Racing Syndicates

We aim to offer syndicate packages that suit all budgets, with ownership groups from 2 – 25 people. Every group is registered with the BHA, and finances are through Weatherbys Bank accounts. All groups can be tailor made to suit clients needs, but as an overview these are the main groups we offer.
A • 25 members – no capital cost - £25/week all inclusive training/keep fee.
These are one of our most popular packages – horses are leased by Nick Brown Racing and therefore there are no capital costs. Lease terms are an initial 2 years with the option to extend. The lease can be terminated by NBR at any stage, but not by the lessor (owner), Giving members the piece of mind that there will be no costs incurred should the horse not be offering value for money. 100% of prizemoney is retained by NBR and distributed to members annually. Training/keep fees are inclusive of all costs – including all vets, farrier, transport, entry and jockey fees – giving members the piece of mind that they will never be asked for extra financial contributions to cover unforeseen expenses. One Owners Badge per share holding allowing racecourse, paddock and Owners facility entry on raceday. (With this size of group there may be instances where the Owners Badge allocation may be allotted by ballot, although we work very hard to avoid this, and often admission tickets can be available either free of charge or at a discounted rate).
B • 25 Members – Capital cost (£500-£1000) - £25/week all inclusive training/keep fee.
This package works in the same way as option a. but instead of the horse being leased, this option gives those that prefer, the option to buy into the horse and own their 4% share. This can cement the feeling of ownership, and also gives each owner the same benefits of option a. along with 4% of any sale value of the horse should it ever be offered for sale. There is no min/max term for this package, the performance is continually reviewed with members and trainers and decisions made accordingly.
C • 2-25 members – capital cost (£1,000+) – Monthly training/keep fees all inclusive and pr rata.
The’ traditional’ type of syndicate package with a unique NBR twist. Shares are purchased by the syndicate member, but this package offers the peace of mind of an all inclusive monthly fee, ensuring that they are never liable for those nasty unexpected bills that racehorses can incur. Absolutely all costs are included – although insurances can be extra should they be required. The monthly fee shared by the group is set at £2,400. (10% shareholding £240/month). 100% of prize money is shared by the ownership group and distributed annually after the end of each season.
D • 2-25 members – capital cost (£1000+) Monthly training/keep fees pro rata.
The traditional type of multiple ownership, each member purchases a share in the horse, and contributes his/her share of the monthly £2400 into the syndicate bank account. Unlike option c. this is not all inclusive and therefore members may be liable for their share of any large extraneous costs incurred such as unusually large vets bills for operations or whole body scans etc. The syndicate is run through the account with Weatherbys Bank, and Olney Bloodstock Ltd charge a fixed £150+VAT per month to manage the syndicate. A dividend is paid to each share holder on a pro rata basis annually after the end of each season, retaining a small ‘float’ in the account.
All new syndicate members are required to have read our Terms and Conditions and have completed and signed our New Owners Declaration.
We feel that through these ownership packages we provide an unprecedented array of options that opens up ownership and syndicate membership to everyone. All budgets catered for along with fixed rate options offering peace of mind to all involved.
A full copy of our Terms and Conditions are available on request and will be sent via email to every new applicant.